Low back pain: evidence from clinical practice. Observational longitudinal study on 182 patients

Santoro C, D'Oro M, Vella J. Low back pain: evidence from clinical practice. Observational longitudinal study on 182 patients, Pathos 2021; 28, 3. Online 2021, Oct 31


Low back pain is among the disorders with the greatest social and economic impact in the Western world.
The present study refers to 182 requests for intervention for low back pain received by the Research Center of Mechanical Dysfunctions of Osteolab (Benevento, Italy), in the period January 2, 2019 - May 31, 2019. The data collected made it possible to recognize manual medicine as suitable and effective therapy in pain treatment and in the resolution of functional lesions from which it arises (t = 84.354, p <.0001). The data collected also made it possible to define - both in quantitative and qualitative terms - how much the lesions (classified as DL0, DL1, DL2, DL3, DL4) affect the onset of back pain, but also to understand how much the presence of "signs of hypotrophy" (considered as biomarkers) is involved in its development.

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